文中通过对大豆纤维织物、棉织物、蚕丝织物进行摩擦性能、弯曲性能、悬垂性能试验 ,用具体数据分析、比较大豆、蚕丝、蚕蛹、棉纤维机织物和针织物的摩擦、弯曲、悬垂性能 ,发现大豆纤维织物摩擦、弯曲、悬垂性能优于蚕丝、棉纤维织物 ,次于蚕蛹织物。
Some properties concerning frictional characteristics, buckling property and draping quality of knitted and woven fabrics made from soybean,cotton and chrysalis and natural silk are compared and analysed based on the concrete data obtained from experiments made on the above properties of fabrics from soybean, cotton and silk yarn respectively. It is concluded that the friction , buckling and draping property of soybean fabric are better than that of silk, cotton fabrics, but worse than that of chrysalis fabric.
Knitting Industries