贾斌教授对慢性支气管炎的治疗有着丰富经验。认为其病理性质总属本虚标实 ,急性发作期以标实为主 ,缓解期以本虚为主。而痰浊蕴肺及本虚是本病发生、发展、复发、恶化的主要矛盾 ,而本虚又是主要矛盾的主要方面。治疗常以风寒束肺、风热袭肺、痰浊蕴肺、脾气亏虚 4型论治 ,并强调化痰、扶正治法颇为重要 ,应贯穿于本病的始末。
Professor Jia Bing has abundant of practices about Chronic Bronchitis.He believes that the pathological character of this disease belongs to deficiency in origin and excess in superficiality.The major of the acute access period is excess in superficiality,and the major of the lysis period is deficiency in origin.Stagnation of phlegm in the lung and deficiency in origin are the major contradictions of this disease′s occurrence,development,recurrence,and deterioration.But the deficiency in origin is the major direction of the major contradictions.The treatment of this disease is often accompanied with deficiency of the spleen-qi,invasion of the lung by wind-heat,wind and cold restrict the lung,stagnation of phlegm in the lung.He emphasizes that dissipation phlegm,strengthening of the body resistance are the most important treatment,and they should be used through all this disease′s progress.
Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine