

Effect of Catalyst on the Cross-linking of Formaldehyde Vapor with Cellulose Model Compounds
摘要 本文研究了在无机金属盐催化剂作用下 ,气体甲醛与棉纤维、微晶纤维素、纤维二糖和木聚糖的反应。结果表明 :催化剂的种类、浓度、反应时间以及纤维素模型化合物的分子体积、空间位阻等对反应都有重要影响。相同条件下 ,气体甲醛与微晶纤维素的反应性高于棉纤维 ,而纤维素的模型化合物纤维二糖与气体甲醛可发生交联反应 ,生成多聚糖。 The reaction of cotton fiber and other polysaccharides with formaldehyde vapor under the catalysis of inorganic salts was studied It was found that the catalysts kind, concentration and reaction time played an important role in the vapor phase formylation The results indicated that ZnCl 2 was the most efficient catalysis among the salts ZnCl 2, Zr(SO 4) 2 and Al 2(SO 4) 3 There existed an optimum concentration when ZnCl 2 was employed, i e , the highest weight percent gain ( WPG ) was obtained at a catalyst content of 8 2×10 5 Meanwhile, extending the reaction duration was helpful to increase WPG Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FT IR) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analyses illustrated that cross linking reaction happened between formaldehyde and fiber WPG was less when compared cotton fiber with other cellulose model compounds, which suggested the cross linking was related with steric effect and finite zone HPLC spectrum of cellobiose proved digestible polysaccharide formation
出处 《木材工业》 2001年第5期17-20,共4页 China Wood Industry
基金 九五攀登计划 人工林木材功能性改良机理与途径的研究 中日合作 JIAC项目 :木材尺寸稳定性及其评价
关键词 金属盐催化剂 甲醛 纤维素 交联反应 甲酰化 Catalyst Formaldehyde Cellulose Cross linking reaction
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