目的 探讨肾移植受者 HL A体液致敏的形成原因 .方法 应用 EL ISA方法对 199例 (男 133例 ,女 6 6例 )肾移植等候者血中 HL A抗体进行检测 ,分析与年龄、性别、透析时间、移植史、输血次数、妊娠史的关系 .结果 HL A体液致敏的分布在女性组高于男性组 (32 % vs17% ,P<0 .0 5 ) ;在输血组高于无输血组 (4 3% vs 6 % ,P<0 .0 0 1) ;在透析时间≥ 1a组高于透析时间 <1a组 (4 3% vs2 0 % ,P<0 .0 5 ) ;在有移植史组高于无移植史组 (91% vs 32 % ,P<0 .0 0 1) ;在有妊娠组高于无妊娠组 (4 0 % vs8% ,确切概率法 P=0 .0 2 1) .结论 输血、移植、长期透析。
AIM To study the causes of HLA sensitizati o n. METHODS Anti-HLA antibodies in 199 cases waiting for renal transplantation were detected by ELISA assay to analyse the relationship between sensitization and other factors such as age, sex, pregnancy, time of dialysis, history of organ transplantation and frequency of transfusion. RESULTS HLA sensitization was more co mmon in the following groups: female group (32%), transfusion group (43%), group with pregnant history (40%), group with transplant history (91%) and group dialysed for no les s than 1 year (43%). CONCLUSION Transfusion, sex, transplantati on, long term dialysis and pregnancy are important factors of sensitization.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University