目的 :探讨治疗下呼吸道感染过程中 ,抗菌药物选择的合理性。方法 :对 2 0 0 0年 9月至 2 0 0 1年 1月下呼吸道感染住院患者的抗菌用药情况进行回顾性分析。结果 :共涉及 11类 32种抗菌药 ,应用较多的是青霉素类及喹诺酮类 ,分别有 63例次和 5 7例次 ,两者合用有 34例次。 68例患者中 ,4 4例取得明显疗效。结论 :临床上选用抗菌剂 (如青霉素类与氟喹诺酮类 )联用 ,是治疗下呼吸道感染的有效途径。而针对临床具体情况 ,选择繁殖期杀菌剂与快效抑菌剂合用时 ,合理把握杀菌剂的剂量 ,亦可取得较好的疗效。但在用药过程中 ,应充分顾及到药物的不良反应 ,注重病原菌的诊断 ,同时必须严格掌握疗程 ,严禁滥用。
Objective:To discuss the rational use of antibacterial drugs in the treatment of lower respiratory tract infections.Methods:The application of antimicrobials in the patients with lower respiratory tract infection was investigated.Results:11 category and 32 antimicrobials were involved in the investigation.Penicillines and Quinolones were prescribed more than the others.44 of 68 cases had good antimicrobial effects.Conclusion:Combine use of antimicrobials is one of the most efficacious ways in the treatment of lower respiratory tract infection.
Guangdong Pharmaceutical Journal