通过水稻秆腐菌核病菌对不同药剂的室内毒力测定和田间防治试验,结果表明,25% 施保克Ec抑制菌丝生长效果最好,50% 多菌灵Wp次之。两种药剂的适宜用量,25% 施保克Ec为1125 mL/hm2,50%多菌灵Wp为1500 g/hm2。
Through screening of effective fungicides and its application to control Sclerotium oryzae Catt, the results showed that:the effect of 25% prochloraz Ec inhibiting the growth of mycelium was the best, and the 50% carbendazim Wp was the second. The suitable quantity in field experiment was 25% prochloraz Ec, 1125 ml/hm2 and 50% carbendazim Wp, 1500 g/mL.
journal of heilongjiang bayi agricultural university