通过对 2 19例前置胎盘临床资料的分析 ,结果显示 :流产、剖宫产史、孕产次数与前置胎盘发病率密切相关 ,孕产次数增多 ,则前置胎盘发病率增高 ,有流产、剖宫产史 ,其前置胎盘发病率明显增高。围产儿病死率的降低与孕妇能按时产前检查、及时B超检查、早期诊断。
The analysis of clinical data of 219 cases of placenta praevia shows that the incidence of placenta praevia is closely related to abortion,cesarean section and times of pregnancy.the incidence of placenta praevia increases with the times of pregnancy,and those with the history of abortion or cesarean section are more liable to placenta praevia.The reduction of fetus mortality depends on regular prenatal examination,proper B mode ultrasonography,earlier diagnosis,intensive care and active treatment.
Journal of Wuhan University of Science and Technology