目的 研究曼氏裂头蚴蛋白分解酶结合糖链的构成。方法 用 SDS- PAGE分离蛋白 ,经酸处理、提取 Fr 和Fr ;用 Western- blot分离出蛋白分解酶 ,分子质量为 2 3ku;用糖定性检测和 9种 HRP-植物血凝素进行结合糖链鉴定。 结果 2 3ku蛋白酶与 Con A、L CA、WGA、PHA- E4、UEA- 1呈现明显反应。 结论 证明此酶至少由α-甘露糖 (α-Man)、α-葡萄糖 (α- Glc)、N-乙酰葡萄糖胺 (Glc NAc) 2 、岩藻糖 (α- Fuc)、寡糖 (Oligosaccharide)构成的糖链。
Objective In order to study the construction of the glucoside chain of Spirometra erinaseienroaei plerocercoid protease. Methods SDS PAGE electrophoresis was used to separate the proteins. FrⅠ and FrⅡ were extracted by acid buffer and FPLC. The molecular weight 23 ku protease was separated by western blot. HRP lection was used to decide the glucoide chain of the protease. Results 23 ku protease reacted apparently with lections of ConA?LCA?WGA?PHA E 4 and UEA 1. Conclusion The results showed that the protease was the glucoside composed of α Man?α Glc?GlcNAc?α Fuc and Oligosaccharide at least.
Chinese Journal of Parasitic Disease Control