缺硼是导致豫南板栗树大小年产量悬殊的主导因子之一 ,对于栽植在海拔 80 0 m以下、且多不联片、已生长 1 0余年的板栗树进行土壤施硼和叶面喷硼费工费时。对这样的板栗树栽植地 ,可在新梢萌芽期、叶幕基本形成期、开花期分别输入 0 .0 5 %的硼酸钠溶液 2 L.进行树体输液补硼 ,可以达到降低空苞率、减少病虫害、缓冲大小年的目的 .
The main cause of difference in output of chestuat in major or minor year is shortness of boracium elememt.It is not good method for treating these chestnuts which grow in the region lower than 800 m and life time more than 10 year by adding boracium into soil or spraying boracium onto leavs.It is found that the decrease of the rate of hollow buds and the difference in major or minor year and the prevention of the pest disease can be obtained by infusing 0.05% Na 3BO 3 2L solution into trunk during the new shoots stage,leaflet formation stage,and the blossom stage.
Journal of Xinyang Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
河南省科技攻关基金资助项目 (0 1 2 4 0 5 0 0 1 4 )