目的 :认识儿童非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL)及白血病肾脏浸润的各种CT表现。材料和方法 :复习病理证实的42例儿童NHL的临床资料 ,选出其中12例肾脏浸润的病例 ,分析化疗前后的CT变化 ,所有病例均行常规胸腹部CT平扫加增强扫描 ;4例白血病B超提示肾脏浸润 ,然后行腹部CT平扫加增强扫描。结果 :NHL肾脏浸润表现为两侧肾脏多发结节样改变9例 ,单侧单结节浸润2例 ,单侧多结节1例 ;4例白血病肾脏浸润全部表现为两肾多结节样改变。结论 :儿童NHL与白血病肾脏浸润CT表现极其相似 ,具有一定的特征性 ,CT能很好显示肾脏浸润情况 ,正确及时地诊断肾脏浸润有助于NHL的临床分期 ,也有助于NHL及白血病化疗前后的疗效观察。
Purpose:To understand the various CT findings of renal involvement of non-Hodgkin lymphoma(NHL) and leukemia in children.Materials and Method:Abdominal CT films of 42 cases of NHL in children were reviewed and all cases were confirmed by pathology,12 cases of them had renal involvement 4cases of leukemia were found to have renal involvement by ultrasound at first and then,CT scan was performed.Results:In NHL,9 cases showed multiple nodular masses in both kidneys,2 cases each had a single mass in one kidney and 1 case had multiple masses only in one kidney.In leukemia,all cases showed bilateral multiple masses.Conclusion:CT findings of renal involvement in children with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and leukemia are similar and have certain characteristics.It is easy to identify lesions by CT their scan.CT is valuable for the clinical staging in NHL and for the evaluation of the therapeutic effects in both of NHL and leukemia.
Chinese Computed Medical Imaging