从目前我国旅游业的现状来看 ,存在着产品结构单一、回头客比例低、市场促销手段落后、定价模式死板等问题 ,而加入WTO会使我国旅游业面临更大的竞争压力。要有效促进我国旅游业的发展 ,就必须加大市场促销力度 ,转变增长方式 ,优化产品结构 ,提高竞争意识 。
According to the present situation of China's tourism industry, there exists several such problems as the single product structure, low rate return customers, backward marketing promotion measures and rigid pricing mode, etc. After China's entry into WTO, China's tourism industry will face greater competitive pressures. Therefore, in order to promote the tourism industry, market promoting strengthened, the growth pattern should be transferred, product structures improved and the competitive awareness increased. Meanwhile, the development of the tourism transportation industry should be fastened.
Journal of Zhengzhou University of Technology(Social Science)