采用问卷调查方式 ,从农民对法治和法治环境的认识、对权利和义务关系的认知水平、处理权利义务关系的行为方式以及对法律知识的掌握程度等方面 ,对山东省农民法律意识现状进行了较大范围的调查。根据调查结果认为 ,农民的法律意识还很薄弱。这既有历史的传统的影响 ,又有现实的原因。作者在深入分析的基础上 ,提出了培育农民法律意识的对策建议。
Using the question-and-answer investigative method,the writer conducted a large scale of investigation about farmers'recent legal consciousness in Shandong province from the following aspects: 1).farmers'recognition to law and order, and to the legal environment, 2).farmers' cognitive level to the relationship between rights and duties,3). farmers'conducting approaches to the relationship between rights and duties, 4). farmers'legal knowledge level and so on. According to the findings, the farmers' legal consciousness is still weak. This results not only from the historical traditional influence , but also from the realistic causes. The writer, based on deep analysis of the findings, raised a few suggestions for cultivating farmers' legal consciousness .
Journal of Shandong Agricultural University(Social Science Edition)