李光洙是朝鲜近现代的著名作家。他的创作在内容上克服了封建改良主义 ,从而鲜明地提出了反封建的时代要求 ;形式上则捐弃了惩恶扬善的旧小说模式及旧式文言 ,为朝鲜现代文学的发展打下了坚实的基础。李光洙对封建社会的批判直接得益于托尔斯泰的批判精神。如果说托尔斯泰是俄国宗法制农民情绪的代表 。
Yi Kwang-su is a modern Korean writer. In his literary works, Yi developed feudal reformism in content, presented his anti-feudal demands, abandoned outmoded fictional patterns and classical style of writing,and laid a solid foundation for the development of modern Korean literature. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy's critical spirit had a great impact on Yi's criticism on feudal society. Just as Tolstoy uttered the voice of Russian peasantry in the patriarchal society, so did Yi Kwang-su represent the need of majority of the national bourgeoisie in modern Korea.
Dongjiang Journal