以鲁迅的小说创作为起点的现代家园意识一改传统文学“望归”、“歌咏”性基调 ,在中西文化的撞击中带着焦灼、怀疑、困惑的启蒙批判精神 ,在漂泊与回归的矛盾心态中显示家园情结的传统观念的坠落 ,现代情绪的升腾。而到了新时期文学 ,特别是先锋派的创作实际中 ,原有的家园观念已经发生迥异性的颠覆 ,家园的实存性已被虚拟化 ,完整的回归意识已被“在路上”的主体情绪所代替 ,在困惑与梦境中显示家园的“美丽” 。
Modern hometown complex begins with Lu Xun's story writing and breaks the traditional bonds of literary gifts. In contemporary Chinese literature, the early concept of the hometown has completely changed and the real return sense has been replaced by the principal mood of 'on the road'. The beautiful hometown only exists in the cultural confusion or in the writer's dreams.
Dongjiang Journal