四台矿 3 0 7盘区 11# 北翼受小窑滥采滥挖破坏及断层影响 ,不能布置长壁综采工作面。由此 ,在分析盘区生产条件的基础上 ,研究国内各种采煤方法 ,提出短壁综采开采方案 ,并对其采煤工艺、设备配备及技术经济效益进行了阐述。
North section in coal seam No. 11 of panel 307 in Sitai mine was not only destroyed by mining of little mine, but also affected by faults. The longwall fully mechanized mining face can not applied. Based on the analysis of productive conditions, author studied the internal mining methods and brought forward the shortwall fully mechanized mining. It introduced the mining technology, equipment and economic effect.
Coal Mining Technology