
煤热解转化排放物对环境和健康的影响 被引量:6

Influence of major emissions from pyrolysis conversion processes of coal on environment and health
摘要 讨论了煤热解转化过程中主要排放物对环境和健康的影响 ,诸如CS2 、COS、H2 S、NH3、HCN和BTX等排放物 ,其毒性对植物产生潜在的影响。文中列出中国发表的环境优先污染物“黑名单”。癌症是从事煤热解转化工厂工人的主要隐患。多环芳香碳氢化合物和一些有机化合物 ,如芳胺类、亚硝胺类和苯系化合物都是主要的潜在致癌化合物 ,文中讨论了其生成、分子结构及其致癌活性 。 Environment and health implications of major emissions from conversion processes of coal are discussed. Many of the compounds, such as CS 2, COS, H 2S, NH 3, HCN, and BTX might be emitted from pyrolysis conversions of coal, and an assessment of potential phytotoxicity of selected coal conversions effluents as well as a 'blacklist' of priority pollutants in China are also listed. Cancer has been the primary health concern of workers in coal pyrolysis conversions. The most important potential carcinogens appear to be the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and other organic compound groups, such as aromatic amines, and benezens etc., from coal conversion processes. The form, molecular structure and activity of these carcinogens are also discussed. As a sample of occupational hazards, a relationship between exposure to coal-tar pitch volatiles and excess cancer risk to exposed coke workers is presented.
作者 陈鹏
出处 《洁净煤技术》 CAS 2001年第4期52-59,共8页 Clean Coal Technology
关键词 热解转化 排放物 环境 健康 硫化物 氮化物 致癌活性 Pyrolysis conversion of coal Emission Environment and health
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