CORBA规范提供了 7种POA策略来控制POA管理对象的方式 ,管理方式的优劣直接影响到服务端响应请求的效率 ,因此POA策略的选择关系到整个应用系统的性能和执行效率 .本文先对 7种策略进行说明和剖析 ,然后以分组的方式提出几种可选的策略组合方案 ,最后再根据实际应用对提出的方案进行分析和比较 .
CORBA specification defines seven policies to control the management of objects in the POA. The ways of the management have a direct influence on efficiency when servers reply to the request. So the selection of policies is related to the performance in an application system. The paper begins with an interpretation of the seven policies, followed by some feasible solutions of policy selection. Finally it analyzes and compares these solutions according to application. The purpose of the paper is to give developers an all-sided reference about selecting policies.
Journal of Fuzhou University(Natural Science Edition)