学习邓小平理论是建设有中国特色社会主义对全党提出的迫切要求。检验学习邓小平理论效果的标尺应当是看是否换脑筋以及换脑筋的程度。当前换脑筋的重点是加快四个转变 :思维方式要从单向型向综合型转变 ,行为方式要从计划型向市场型转变 ,领导方式要从官吏型向公仆型转变 ,管理方式要从人治型向法治型转变。换脑筋是一场十分艰辛和痛苦的思想革命 。
Learning Deng Xiaoping Theory is very pressing to members of CPC in performing the task of building China into a socialist country with Chinese characteristics. The learning should be evaluated by whether a new way of thinking is formed and the degree of the change. The change can be accelerated by 'four transformations': transformation from a uni directional mode of thinking to a multi directional one; transformation from the planned economy mode of action to market economy one, transformation from a bureaucratic working style of leadership to a civil servant one, transformation from a man ruled mode of management to a law governed one. Change in way of thinking is the revolution of one's ideology and the process of change is to combine theory and practice.
Journal of Weinan Normal University