近年来印刷业随着互联网和数字化等信息业和传媒的迅猛崛起而得到了很大的发展 ,国外在印刷生产技术和装备上都有很大的改进以适应新的性能要求。作为印刷行业重要配件的印刷胶辊也出现了新的生产技术和发展趋势。国内印刷胶辊的生产方式还一直停留于包贴法和包缠法等传统落后工艺 ,大部分高速印刷胶辊及几乎所有的生产设备技术依赖进口。本文阐述了我国印刷胶辊方面的科研和开发现状 ,提出了印刷胶辊今后发展的趋势和目标。
Along with the great development of information industry and media industry such as internet and digitalization in the recent years, there were great improvement in the production technology and equipments of printing rollers to adapt the new requirements in the performances at new age abroad. There much new production technology and development direction rise. While the bundle paste mode and bundle twine mode are the main modes in the printing rollers in our own country. Many productions and equipment of high speed printing rubber rollers still dependent on importing. Many research groups applied to the research of formula and equipment to salute the challenge of WTO. And the development direction and object of printing rubber rollers in the near future are put forward.
Special Purpose Rubber Products