简要介绍了日本 KRV-60型橡胶注射成型机的主要结构和控制部件 ,主要技术参数和工艺参数及对胶料的要求和新进展。橡胶注压工艺具有高温快速硫化、节能及自动化程度高等优点 ,以橡胶注射成型机代替平板硫化机是橡胶加工业的发展方向。
The main structure, control device, main tech nic al parameter and process parameter of KRV-60 type (Japan) rubber injection mold ing machine and the demands of the compound and its development were briefly int roduced. Rubber injection process can cure in high speed and temperature and eco nomize on energy and has high automatic level. Substitution of rubber injection molding machine for press is the developing trend of rubber processing industry.
Special Purpose Rubber Products