在石蜡基原油的开采中 ,清防蜡降凝是油井重要的日常管理工作之一 ,该技术水平的高低对抽油机生产时率和泵效有着重要作用。通过分析油井的结蜡机理 ,针对哈 30 1断块原油物性研制出了清防蜡降粘剂HCY - 0 1,并对现场应用情况进行了分析。
During the production of paraffin base crude, viscosity reducing through paraffin removal and pour point depression technique and control is one of the most important part of the daily management work. The technology Through analyzing the mechanism of oil well paraffin precip itation, aimming at the oil physical properties of 30l block, the HCY 01 paraffin removal and vis cosity reducing agent was developed, and the appli cation result on the field was analyzed, evaluated and summdrized.
Fault-Block Oil & Gas Field