介绍了一种通过硬件高速传输图像灰度数据的电路设计方案 ,为模拟卫星上图像数据传输 ,分析卫星用高速图像处理模块的性能提供了一种有效的手段 ,并介绍了利用微型机打印口与下位机进行数据传输的方法。其工作过程为 :上位机将测试用的数据通过打印机口传送到作为数据源的暂存板 I上 ,为了模拟高速的数据源 ,采用了硬件译码与查表的方法 ,启动暂存板 I上的开关后 ,将图像数据高速传送到图像处理模块上 ,速度可达 10 0 Mbyte,经处理 (如压缩等 )后的数据立即会被传送到暂存板 II,然后再通过打印机口 (并行口 )
An idea as well as realization of transmitting image data by hardware is introduced, which offers an efficient means to simulate the image transmission and analyze the performance of the high speed image processing module in satellite. The technique how to communicate with sub computer via the parallel port (LPT) in PC, is also provided. The hardware is composed of simulative data source (temporary storage board I) and simulative receiver (temporary storage board II). When test process starts, data are transferred from PC to temporary storage board I through LPT. After start switch on temporary storage board I is pressed, image data are transferred with high speed because of the adoption of hardware coding and querying table in order to simulate high speed data source, and transmission speed can reach 100Mbyte/s. After processed (for example, compressed, etc.) in the high speed image processing module, data will be transferred to temporary storage board II immediately, and then to PC through LPT.
Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing