近几年来,在智能机器人的领域,又出现了一个新的分支,这就是足球机器人。机器人足球研究目的是研究对未来社会有深远意义的多机器人 (或多智能体 )在复杂动态环境和多重制约下 ,完成多任务和多目标所需的实时推理和规划技术。本文主要叙述了足球机器人小车系统的模块设计思想 ,简述了各模块的功能与特点 ,此外还重点讨论了小车的单片机选型。
In the recent year ,The micro robot soccer emerges as a new embranchment in the field of brainpower robot. The study purpose is to work over the real-time reasoning and layout technique of multi-robot , which fulfill multitask and multi-target ,under complex dynamic or multi-restriction condition.The paper mainly depicte the module design idea of Micro-robot soccer, also discuss the basic function and the main characteristic of each model, furthermore it
Robot Technique and Application