
管线钢管焊接专用SJ101—G烧结焊剂的研制 被引量:5

Development of Sinter Weld Flux for Linepipe Welding
摘要 介绍了 SJ10 1— G烧结焊剂的化学成分和研制过程 ,通过对 SJ10 1— G烧结焊剂配合H0 8C焊丝焊接 X70管线钢的焊缝力学性能的解剖分析 ,指出采用传统的熔炼焊剂、SJ10 1等烧结焊剂其焊缝不能满足标准关于韧性的要求。并通过大量的 X65、X70级管线钢的生产试验 ,指出SJ10 1— G烧结焊剂配合 H0 8C焊丝焊接 X65、X70级管线钢管焊缝 X射线探伤可达到 级标准要求 。 The article introduces the chemical composition research and development of the SJ101-Gsinter weld flux. Through analysis of weld seam mechanical properties of X70 pipeline steel welded with SJ101-G sinter weld flux and H08C welding wire, it points out that the conventional melting flux , SJ101 sinter weld flux can not meet the weld seam toughness requirement of the specification . through the large quantity X65 and X70 grade pipeline steel production test, it points out that the SJ101-G sinter weld flux and the H08C weld wire can weld X65 and X70 grade linepipe, and the X-ray detection of weld seam can meet the 1 level requirement, the toughness also meet the requirement of the specification.
出处 《焊管》 2001年第5期17-23,共7页 Welded Pipe and Tube
关键词 长输管线 输气管线 管线钢 焊接 焊剂 焊丝 韧性 性能 研制 油气管 long-distance pipeline gas transmitting pipeline pipeline steel welding weld flux weld wire toughness property
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