我国分子筛科研的学术和技术成果已在国际上占有一席之地,并在国际诸多前沿开展了研究,而且有了一支强大的中青年队伍。为了在21世纪实现我国分子筛的更多创新和突破,科研单位要“有所为、有所不为”,结合自己的特点,突出重点,同时还要加强不同学科间的合作,才可能在竞争中取胜。 展望21世纪化学工业的技术进步,反应和产品的绿色化以及设备小型化和过程集成化是发展趋势。后两者又称化工过程强化,其目的是实现根治环境污染、缩小设备体积、提高效率、降低能耗、节约资源、推动经济和社会的可持续发展。这些领域的研究方兴未艾,具有较大的赶超空间,对我们是挑战也是机遇,应该努力实现跨越式技术进步,其中分子筛大有用武之地。
It was revealed in this conference that various frontier fields of molecular sieves are actively being studied in China . Concentrated efforts and closed collaboration are needed to accelerate the progress.
Chemical green technology and process intensification will be important trends in the development of chemical industry, including petrochemical and fine chemicals productions, environmental protection, etc. Since the technologies are newly developed, there are plenty rooms for further improvement or new development. Molecular sieves as a group of main catalytic materials may play an important role. Direct basic research is thus required to find and accumulate new scientific and technological knowledge in the fields of molecular sieves, green chemistry and process intensification.
China Basic Science