

A New Theory for Transport of the Biological Energy in Living Systems and Its Applications
摘要 从Davydov理论的短处和蛋白质分子的结构与构象变化及功能的特点出发,提出了一个新的生物能量传递的理论。在这个理论中,我们用包含有两个量子的准相干态代替了Davydov的单粒子激发态,并且把由偶极-偶极相互作用所引起的相邻氨基酸残基的相对位移加进了原来的D氏哈氏量中,从而使由蛋白质中的相互作用所形成的集体激发具有高度对应性和对称性,并能表现出体系中集体激发的相干性和强相关性,能反映出蛋白质分子具体特征。由这一理论得出的传递ATP水解作用释放的生物能量的孤子的寿命达到10^(-10)s。在这段时间内和生理温度情况下,孤子能传递通过500到1 000个氨基酸残基,并且它能对抗热扰动、量子涨落、结构无序和杂质干扰等影响而保持稳定,从而使它具有传递生物能量的功能,能在生物学过程中扮演重要角色。我们运用这个理论解释或解决了肌肉收缩、电子传递、红外光的非热效应机理及生物光子发射等重要生物学问题。 A new theory of transport of biological energy on the basis of the short-comings of the Davydov theory and features of structure and conformation changes and functions of the protein molecules is proposed. In the new theory, the excitation state of single particles in the Davydov wave function is replaced by a quasi-coherent state of two quanta , and a new interaction term which represents the change of relative displacement of neighbouring amino acid re-didues resulting from dipole-dipole interaction between the neighbouring amides is added in original Davydov Hamilto-nian. Thus, the interactions and collective excitation states occurred in the protein molecules have high correspon- dence and symmetry in the new theory , which can show the coherence and strong correlation of the collective excitation states and the fact that the energy released in ATP hydrolysis can only excite two quanta. From this theory we find out that the lifetime of the soliton , carrier of transport of the bio-energy, is 10 -10 second. In the lifetime the soliton can travel over the spacings of 500-1000 amino acid residues. Meanwhile, the new soliton is very robust against thermal perturbation, quantum fluctuation, structure disorder and impurity inserting. We can explain the muscle contraction, electronic transfer in the living systems, mechanism of non-thermally biological effect of infrared lights absorbed and bio-photon emission, and so on.
作者 庞小峰
出处 《中国基础科学》 2001年第6期14-20,共7页 China Basic Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(19974034)
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