分子生物学的应用 ,为研究人类的源流开拓了新的思路。分子进化和分化的特征能使我们认识种之间的时空变化。分子人类学研究表明了现代人类有共同的祖先 ,黑人是世界的祖先人群。在人类走出非洲后产生巨大形态和肤色差异的问题上 ,提出了病毒可能是人类进化和分化的“催化剂”这一假说。这一假说可以较好地解释现代人类在短短 2 0万年以内产生较多遗传表型特征改变的事实。最后从中国人的群体分化现象的角度上探讨了中华民族的源流和祖先人群。
The question on Origin of modern human has been a hot debate in China. Numbers of anthropologists especially on the field of morphology and archaeology insist on that Mongoloid originated inside of China, since there are large amount of ancient ape man remains and fossils excavated from China. They believe that morphological feature of those fossils have successive change from homo erectus to homo sapience. On the other hand, human genetic researchers possess different opinions. Population genetic studies have revealed extremely limited distinction among three major races. Human gene diversity always suggests the single origin theory for modern human. Molecular evolutionary constancy does not support the version that modern human was created by physical work or using fire, tools and languages. Genetic polymorphism study demonstrated that southeast coastal residents and Taiwan islanders probably represent early ancestral population in China. In the present paper, we put forward a postulate that virus might be 'catalyzer' for the great change of facial feature and physical character within no more than 200,000 years among different races.
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences