记者:罗教授,您是我国知名的安全理论专家,在安全文化理论研究和实践方面颇有影响。在我们谈安全文化建设的话题之前,能否先谈谈您的学术经历? 罗云:我早期的专业并非安全工程,但本科和硕士的研究方向都是安全领域的课题,算起来进入安全科学技术领域已有20年历史。目前我主要讲授《安全系统工程》、《安全经济学》、《安全行为科学》等课程,已指导“
Luo Yun, born in September 1956, is currently President of School
of Engineering & Technology, China Geology University. He thinks that safety
culture is the sum of concepts, behaviors and material embodiment of safe pro-
duction and safe living created through human beings'safe activities; that safety
culture is the foundation to the development of safety science; that solution to
people's safety accomplishment should rely on cultural forces; and that the pro-
cess from theoretical exploration to practical application is an important link in
promoting China's safety culture development.
Modern Occupational Safety