目的 :分析人工流产妇女紧急避孕法的使用状况及未使用原因。方法 :采用横断面研究 ,对上海市三所妇幼保健院的 6 0 6名人工流产妇女进行问卷调查。结果 :以往及本次妊娠的末次月经后分别有 5.3 %和 2 .2 %的人使用过紧急避孕法。使用药物均为 53号避孕药 ,药物来源以药店为主。 57.9%的对象以往有过可用紧急避孕而未用的情况 ,未用的主要原因是不知道或不了解紧急避孕法及以为自己不会怀孕。本次妊娠中听说过紧急避孕法的 1 59名非意愿妊娠对象未使用紧急避孕法的主要原因是未发觉避孕失败( 4 6 .6 % )和不了解紧急避孕方法 ( 3 1 .2 % )。 1 3名使用者紧急避孕失败的主要原因是使用方法错误。据推测计算 ,如果可用紧急避孕者能及时获得并使用紧急避孕法 ,人工流产至少可再减少 46 .9%。结论 :人工流产妇女的紧急避孕使用率低 ,其主要原因为对紧急避孕知识缺乏了解。在全社会广泛宣传紧急避孕。
Objectives: To determine the use status and explore the reasons for non use of emergency contraception among women seeking induced abortion. Design: A cross sectional questionnaire based survey. Methods: 606 women who sought the termination of pregnancy in three maternal and children health care centers of Shanghai were interviewed in the hospitals before or after the induced abortion. Results: 2 2% of subjects used emergency contraception (EC) in current pregnancy and 5.3% ever used before. The pills used were all No.53 contraceptive, which were mainly got from drugstores. 57.9% of subjects have ever had the situation when EC should have been used but they did not use, the main reasons were 'didn't know of EC' and 'didn't think the pregnancy would happen'. Among 157 of subjects who knew about EC but didn' t use it in current unwanted pregnancy, the main reasons were: it was too late to use EC when the contraceptive failure was found (46.6%) and didn' t know how to use it (31.2%). The main reason for EC failure in 13 subjects was due to incorrect use. The study found that 46.9% of induced abortion could de avoided if the subjects had more knowledge about EC and had used it properly. Conclusion: The study indicated that women's needs for EC was enormous. In order to decrease the rate of induced abortion, it is urgent to promote the use of EC and to improve the service in society.
Journal of Reproductive Medicine
发展和研究培训特别规划署资助项目 ( 9713 0 )