钠 /碘同向转运体 (NIS)是一种跨膜糖蛋白 ,具有主动运输碘的能力。NIS的异常与许多甲状腺疾病有关。将 NIS基因转染到肿瘤细胞使其表达 NIS并摄取 1 3 1 I已获成功 ,但 1 3 1 I在细胞或病灶内停留的时间很短 ,达不到治疗剂量 ,故延长 1 3 1 I的有效半衰期和提高
Na +/I - symporter is a membrane glycoprotein that catalyzes the active accumulation of I -. The abnormality of NIS gene will lead to thyroid disease. We had succeeded in transfecting the Na +/I - symporter into tumors for radioiodide concentration. However, the effective half life is too short to acquire therapeutic dose. So we should research into prolonging the effective half life and increased effective transfection.
Foreign Medical Sciences(Section of Radiation Medicine and Nuclear Medicine)
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 30 170 2 81)