目的 :探讨瞳孔膜闭或瞳孔闭锁并发白内障患者超声乳化的手术技巧及手术要点。方法 :应用小直径连续环形撕囊 ,原位超声乳化等技术对 5 8例 6 3眼瞳孔膜闭或瞳孔闭锁并发白内障患者行超声乳化手术。结果 :6 3眼术后 3个月裸眼视力大于或等于 0 .5者 32眼 (5 0 .8% ) ,术后 1周矫正视力大于或等于 0 .5者 46眼 (73% )。所有病例人工晶体位于中央 ,大部分病例前房正常术后反应 ,瞳孔维持原形 ,无严重并发症。结论 :应用小直径连续环形撕囊 ,原位超声乳化治疗瞳孔膜闭或瞳孔闭锁并发白内障 ,可达到减少虹膜刺激 ,保持原瞳孔形态 ,降低手术合并症 。
Objective: To investigate the surgical techniques and main points in phacoemulsification of the cataracts complicated to occlusion or seclusion of pupil. Methods: Continuous circular capsulourhexis (CCC) of small diameter and in-situ phacoemulsification were performed on 63 eyes of 58 patients with cataracts complicated to occlusion or seclusion of pupil. Results: Postoperatively, the uncorrected visual acuities at 3 months were 0.5 or better in 32 eyes (50.8%) and the corrected visual acuities at 1 week were 0.5 or better in 46 eyes (73%). All of the intraocular lenses were located in the center. In most cases, the postoperative anterior chamber reactions were light and the pupils kept original form without serious complications. Conclusions: The continuous circular capsulourhexis of small diameter and in-situ phacoemulsification can reduce the stimulating of iris, keep the pupil at original form, reduce complications and improve surgical effects.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology