
高三酰甘油血症与冠心病 被引量:4

Hypertriglyceridemia and coronary heart disease
摘要 高三酰甘油血症(HTG)与冠心病(CHD)的关系近年逐渐受到重视,流行病学证据表明,据HDL-c水平校正的HTG仍是CHD的危险因素。随机临床研究证实,降三酰甘油治疗可降低临床冠心病事件。富含三酰甘油的脂蛋白中有一类小而密脂蛋白与冠心病密切相关;治疗高三酰甘油血症对冠心病的防治有积极意义。 The relationship between hypertriglyceridemia (HTG) and coronary heart disease (CHD) has been gradually recognized in recent year. A recent meta-analysis has shown that HTG. even when adjusted for the HDL-C level, is a risk factor for CHD. It is clear that small and dense triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (TRLPs) are atherogenic;Triglyceridemia-lowering treatment is benefit for prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease.
出处 《中国心血管杂志》 2001年第5期301-303,共3页 Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine
关键词 高三酰甘油血症 冠心病 三酰甘油的脂蛋白 Hypertriglyceridemia Coronary heart disease Triglyceride-rich lipoproteins
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