The basement rock series in west Shandong is dominated by a granite-greenstone terrane. with the presence of both the early (?) and late Archaean greenstone belts. In the Zhifang area.vthe late Archaean greenstone belt is well developed, that is, the greenstone belt has three parts in one:the lower part of basic-ultrabasic rock suite,the middle part of calc—alkaline volcanic rock suite and the upper part of sedimentary rock suite.THe late Archaean greenstone belt in the Zhifang area has the characteristic ductile shear zone with a mylonite zone in its centre where occurs a gold mineralization zone(containing low grade gold ore bodies)of metamorphic hydrothermal type. The gold mineralization zone extendsvseveral kilometres and is conspicuously controlled by the ductile shear zone.
Geology of Shandong