This paper sums up REE geochemical characteristics of the early Precambrian granitegreenstone terrain in western Shandong, China. In the Taishan Group with an age of 2.6 Ga, REEs are enriched most in the mica schists in which the REE contents are 40 folds as those in the chondrite and depleted in tremolite-schists(komatiites) in which the REE contents are only 4 folds as those in the chondrite. REE fractionation is distinct in the mica schists(La_N/Yb_N=98.56) but indistinct in the amphibolites and tremolitc—schists (La_N/Yb_N=1.42). The Sm/Nd ratios in the amphibolites are usually greater than 0.33, which show LREE-depieted patterns. The protoliths of the amphibolites in the Taishan Group are similar to ocean tholeiitic basalts. The bulk contents of REEs in the Precambrian intrusive rocks from old to young are increased with the LREE contents much more enriched, while the values of δEu become smaller but most are greater than 0.52 according to the results obtained from 50 statistical samples. The chondrite normalized REE distribution patterns show no Eu anomalies in the late Archaean intrusive rocks but show negative Eu anomalies in the early Proterozoic ones. Petrochemical compositions indicate that these early Precambrian intrusive rocks correspond to the I—type granites and consistently show LREE-enriched patterns. The La_N/Yb_N ratios for the late Archaean tonalites and granodiorites are 20 folds as high as those for the chondrite, and based on their perspective results, it is suggested that these two rock types probably derived from basaltic rocks-now the amphibolites with partial melting of 25—50%, while the basaltic rocks were formed by partial melting of the mantle.
Geology of Shandong