完善财经类专业的实践教学内容是提高电大财经类专业实践教学质量的重要措施。本人认为实践教学不只是传统意义上的一个教学环节 ,更是一个教学过程 ,它是学生整个在校期间不间断进行的 ,包括平时作业、课程实验、习题讨论、社会调查、模拟实践、实习、毕业作业在内的最为完整的教学过程。在整个教学过程中 ,实践教学的内容应根据理论课程的教学进度按照由简单到复杂 ,由小型到大型 ,由基本到综合的原则进行设计 ,分阶段完成各项专业技能训练。为保证电大财经类远程开放教育实践教学的质量 ,必须建立实践教学质量保证体系 ,即确定统一的实践教学内容 ,制定统一的实践教学质量管理制度 。
The cultivation and perfection of the practical teaching contents for finance and economics major is an important measure to enhance its practical teaching quality of TV universities. The author thinks that practical teaching is not only a teaching siep in the traditional way, but a teaching process. a comprehensive teaching process carried on by the students continuously throughoul the period in univesily which includes the written exercises, expenment report, exercise discussion, social survey. simulation, practice and thesis. Thuoughout the teaching process, the practical teaching contents should be designed under the grounds of the teaching schedule of the theory courses and abide by the principles from simple to comple from small to large, and from fundamental to comprehensive, to accomplish the specialized skill taining at different phascs. In order to assure the practical teaching quality of distance and open education if finance and economics major of TV universities, it is essential to set up ,practical teaching quality guarantee system that is a unified practical teaching contents a unified administration systern for practical teaching quality, and an overall quality controlling system for practiacl teaching.
Journal of Henan Radio & TV University