本文从四个方面对 <<合唱教学中基本功训练 >>进行解析 :1.视唱能力的培养。着重训练学生的识谱能力 ,培养学生的节奏感、音准和音乐感。 2 .培养正确的呼吸和发声方法 ,掌握歌唱的技能技巧。 3 .加强正确的咬字、吐字的训练。通过正确的咬字、吐字与唱歌发声有机结合起来 ,以达到“字正腔圆”的目的 ,从而生动形象地表达歌曲的思想感情。 4 .加强和声训练 ,要求学生做到能聆听自己的声音 ,也能兼听他人的声音和效果 ,调整自己的音准、音色和音量 。
The article makes an analysis of the basic training of chorus in the following 4 respects: to train the ability of singing, to emphasize the students' ability of recognizing rhythm,and to attain the senses of expressing music. Frist,to train the ability of breathing and singing in order to master the singing skill. Second, to strengthen the training of articulating and to master the skill of singing. Third,to combine the singing with articulating correctly in order to achieve the state of 'correctness and standard' ,and to express the emotions in the songs vividly. Forth,to strengthen the training of chorus and make his own sounds the same with the one of the group's.