黔白 1号由自交不亲和系g91 2 4 3 17 9和f91 2 8 11 6 7配制而成 ,两个自交不亲和系分别来自‘青庆’和‘河头早’。黔白 1号生育期约 82d(天 ) ,株高 4 2cm ,株幅 60cm ,外叶深绿 ,叶帮绿白 ,叶面皱缩无毛 ,叶球高筒形 ,球形指数 2 .5 2 ,叶帮比 0 .798,净菜率 72 % ,单球质量 1.2kg,每 667m2 净菜产量为 4 0 0 0kg左右 ,品质优良 ,抗病性、适应性强 ,适宜贵州及相似气候地区秋冬季种植。
Qianbai No.1 is a middle maturity Chinese Cabbage F 1 hybrid developed by crossing two self incompatible lines g91 2 4 3 17 9 and f91 2 8 11 6 7. It can be harvested in 82 days after sowing. The shape of head is long barrel with good commodity quality. It is high resistance to downy mildew,soft rot and TuMV,the average yield is about 60t·hm -2 ,12% higher than the check Jincai No.3. It is suitable for cultivation in Guizhou and regions of similar climate.
China Vegetables