对蘑菇覆土层不同厚度、菌丝不同生长期覆土及覆土时不同调水方法进行试验研究 ,结果覆土层厚 3.0 cm的蘑菇产量最高 ,比对照 (覆土层厚 3.5 cm)增产 7.90 % ,产量差异达显著水平 ,与其它覆土处理的产量差异达极显著水平 ;蘑菇菌丝生长期以 90 %以上走透料底后覆土的产量最高 ,比菌丝 5 0 %走透料底和对照 (10 %以下走透料底 )分别增产 16 .4 2 %、 2 6 .35 % ,产量差异达极显著水平 ;蘑菇覆土后对覆土层调水的产量最高 ,比对照(培养料直接调水后覆土 )增产 12 .39% 。
The experiment on different thickness of casing, casing at different growth stage of hyphae and different water spraying method were carried out. The results showed that the yield of 3 0 cm thick casing treatment was the highest,and significantly different from other treatments.It was increased by 7 90% than that of 3 5 cm thick casing treatment. Casing at the period when hyphae occupied 90% of cultural medium could produce the highest yield,it was 16 42% and 26 35% higher than other two treatments (occupied 50% and 10% respectively),the differences were signifcant. The yield of treatment which spraying water after casing was the highest, it was 12 39% higher than that of control(casing after spraying water to cultural medium), the difference was also significant.
Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
福建省科技厅项目 (96-Z-173 )