在大豆田采用二次旋转回归设计测定了 3种大豆苗后除草剂 (虎威、苯达松、精喹禾灵 )和十二烷基苯磺酸钠 (ABS)、渗透剂JFC 5元混用的最佳配比和互作关系。药剂间的互作关系分别采用回归系数t测验法和变量轮换 -方差分析法测定。两种方法对除草剂间的互作关系判别结果一致。其结果表明 ,虎威 +苯达松对苘麻有增效作用 ,虎威 +精喹禾灵对反枝苋有拮抗作用 ,其余为相加作用或独立作用。对除草剂和表面活性剂的互作关系的评价结果 ,两种方法不一致。其原因是在不同剂量范围某些因素相互作用方式和程度有时有所不同。回归系数t测验表明的相互作用关系指的是整个试验剂量范围 ,而变量轮换 -方差分析法则能反映特定剂量内 (如最佳配比 )的相互作用关系。采用后者测定表明 ,在最佳配比范围内ABS和JFC与 3种除草剂组合有增效作用。采用微分法求混用的最佳配比 ,某些值会超出了试验水平范围 。
The experiment of five way combinations of fomesafen,bentazon,quizalofop p ethyl,ABS and JFC was conducted to determine their optimum proportion of application and relation of mutual action (RMA) in soybean field by Quadratic Regression Design The RMA was determined with regressive coefficient T test and Changing Variable ANOVE The results of the two methods for evaluating the RMA of herbicides were identical,which showed that combination of formesanfen and bentazon had synergism to abutilon thophrasti;mixture of fomesanfen and quizalofop P had antagonism to Aararanthus ascendens Loisel;the others were additive or independent The results of the two methods above evaluating the RMA between herbicides and surfactants were not identical The reason was that RMA and its degree between factors could vary with different rates.RMA expressed by Regressive coefficient T test was at the whole range of the experimental rate.But RMA expressed by Changing Variable ANOVA was at the certain range(e.g.optimum proportion).Three herbicides with surfactant ABS and JFC had synergism by changing variable ANOVA The optimum proportion calculated by calculus could go beyond the level of the experiments while the analytical method of percentage had a good result
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica