为 1996年 3月~ 1998年 2月间在台湾海峡浅滩渔场捕获的鱼类中发现的寄生线虫种类报告第 2部分 ,其中报道 2新种 ,即横带髭鲷印带巾线虫Indocucullanushapalogenyusisp .nov .和菱鸢鲛翼蛔线虫Aliascarisaetoplateaesp .nov .。
In this part, two new species and four genera of nematodes which is new record in China seas are reported. Other marine fish parasitic nematode found in Taiwan Strait include Cucullanellus pleuronectidis (Yamaguti,1935), Contracaecum zenopsis Yamaguti, 1961, Ascarophis epinepheli Wang, 1984, Indocucullanus muraenesocis Yin et Zhang, 1983, Terranova sp.,and Acanthocheilus sp. The diagnoses of the new species are as follow.[WT5HZ][WT5HX]1 Indocucullanus hapalogenyusi[WT5HZ] sp. nov. (Figs.1-4) The species obtained from the intestine of Hapalogenyus mucronatus . Male. Body length 3.55*!mm and 0.19 mm at greatest width; nerve ring lies 0.18*!mm from the head end. Esophagus length 0.49 and 0.07*!mm wide at its middle. Right spicule 1.33 and left one 1.07*!mm long. There are 11 pairs of caudal papillae, of which pre-anal papillae 3 pairs, para-anal papillae 4 and post-anal 4 pairs. The present worm resembles I. ariusi Srivatava et Gupta, 1976 most on that the spicule length are about 1/3 of their body length, but differs from it mainly in the number of caudal papillae, that is the latter has 7 pairs caudal papillae. Holotype ♂,collected from the inteseine of Hapalogenyus mucronatus from northwest to west(23.2°-23.8°N, 117.5°-118°E) of Minnan-Taiwan Bank Fishing Ground, 15 Mar. 1996, by LUO Da-Min. [WT5HZ][WT5HX]2 Aliascaris aetoplateae [WT5HZ] sp. nov. (Figs. 14-18)The new species obtained from the stomach of Orectolobus maculatus and Aetoplatea zonura differs from Aliascaris indica Kalyankar, 1971 mainly in that there are not any papillae on the surface of its body and the excretory pore between two subventral lips. Female. Body length 20.98(8.68-32.31) and 1.12(0.60-1.95)mm at greatest width; the nerve ring and neck papillae lie 0.44(0.32-0.58)mm and 0.51(0.35-0.63)mm from the head end respectively. Esophagus length 1.68(1.20-3.65)mm. Ventriculus appendage 0.08(0.08-0.09)mm long. Vulva opening is 35.03%(32.40%-39.42%) of the body length from the anterior end. Holotype♀, paratypes 1♀,collected from the stomach of Aetoplatea zonura and 2 ♂♂ collected from the stomach of Orectolobus maculatus , all of them from south (22.2-22.8°N, 118°-118.5°E) of Minnan-Taiwan Bank Fishing Groud, 13 Jun. 1996, by LUO Da-Min.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica