目的 :初步研究莱姆病主要媒介二棘血蜱的生态习性及其特征。方法 :采用流行病学调查方法在疫源地进行相关因素的研究 ,分析其相关特点。结果 :二棘血蜱为当地优势蜱种 ,其密度为 2 75只 /布旗人工小时 ;该蜱中肠检查带菌率为 40 %;从 5 0只二棘血蜱分离到 8株莱姆病螺旋体 ;该蜱有明显的季节消长和时限性 ;6~ 7月是二棘血蜱的繁殖期 ,其数量与气温、雨量密切相关 ;蜱的数量变化与生境等因素有关。其特征 :二棘血蜱在疫源地内呈岛状分布 ;密度与农作物接壤的林间或林边草坪高于其他生境 ;二棘血蜱的数量变化与人畜野外活动频繁环境相关 ;该蜱喜向阳、光线充足、较湿润、浅草坪的生境。结论 :通过流行病学调查 ,初步掌握了二棘血蜱的生物学特征 ,为进一步研究莱姆病提供了依据。
Objective:Premarily to study the ecological habit and character of Haemaphysalis bispinosa Lyme disease in Lechun, Nanchuan county,Fuling region Chongqing city, China.Methods:To collect samples of ticks with cloth flag and observe its contribution and seasonal variation, examine Borrelia burgdorferi which is the causative agent of Lyme disease in its midguts smear with DFA and isolate the spirochetes with BSK medium. Results:Haemaphysalis bispinosa is a prevailling species of Ixodidae in this region. Midguts smear of 50 ticks were tested, 20 ticks were positive. 8 isolates of Borrelia burgdorferi were obtained from 10 group cultures (5 ticks per group). Conclusion:Haemaphysalis bispinosa may play an important role in transmission cycle of Lyme disease in the region.
Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control