对葶苈子植物 :葶苈 (Drabanemorosa)、印度菜 (Rorippaindica)及北美独行菜(Lepidiumvirginicum)愈伤组织的诱导、分化、再生苗的生根进行了研究。结果表明 :(1)在基本培养基为MS ,附加 6 -BA 0 .5mg/L +NAA0 .5mg/L的培养基上三种植物均能产生愈伤组织 ,其出愈率达 10 0 % ,而且 2 0 %的外植体具有一次成苗的能力 ;(2 )在愈伤组织的分化中 ,6 -BA1mg/L +NAA 1mg/L的激素组合是最佳的 ,其分化率为 10 0 % ;(3)无根苗生根的培养基为MS + 0 .5mg/LNAA ,生根率为 90 %
This paper deals with studies on in vitro culture of Draba nemorosa, Rorippa indica and Lipidium virginicum, induding callus induction, differentiation and plantlet root development. Rusults showed:Calli were obtained on media from the three plants on MS basal medium supplemented with 6-BA 0.5mg/L and NAA 0.5mg/L, the frequency of callus induction was 100%, also 20% of the explants could develop the plantlets at the same time; (2)The combination of 6-BA 1mg/L and NAA 1mg/L was the best to callus differentiation of which ratio was 100%;(3)90% of the regenerated plantles treated with MS and NAA 0.5 mg/L could develop their roots.
Journal of Anhui University(Natural Science Edition)
安徽省教育厅科研基金资助项目 (99JL0 0 19)