本项研究从科尔沁草原的阿鲁科尔沁牧区南北 4个苏木 16个牧户中采集 43个乳样。从 43个乳样中分离到 6 4株乳酸菌 ,对其中的 47株进行鉴定 ,结果分离到肠球菌属 (Enterococcus) 13株 ,乳球菌属 (L actococcus) 2株 ,片球菌属 (Pedio- coccus) 3株。对其中 8株分离株进行了种的鉴定 ,结果为殊异肠球菌 (E.dispar) 1株 ,蒙特氏肠球菌 (E.mundtii) 1株 ,类鸟肠球菌 (E.pseudoavium) 1株 ,屎肠球菌 (E.faecium) 3株 ,乳球菌乳脂亚种 (L .lactissubsp cremoris) 1株 ,乳球菌乳亚种 (L .lactissubsp L actis) 1株 ,嗜盐片球菌 (P.halophilus) 1株。通过研究发现 ,被鉴定菌株的生物学特性基本符合各属和种的鉴定标准 。
strains of lactic acid bacteria were isolated from 43 samples of milk and milk products collected from Alukerqin pasture.Among them,47 strains of lactic acid bacteria were identified.18 strains belonged to Enterococcus(13 strains),Lactococcus(2 strains)and Pediococcuo(3 Strains)respectively.8 strains of them were further identified,which belonged to E.dispar(1 strain),E.mundtii(1 strain),E.pseudoavium(1 strain),E.faecium(3 strains),L.Lactis Subsp. cremoris(1 strain),L.lactis subsp. Lactis(1 strain)and P.halophilus(1 Straim)respectively. The results revealed that on the whole,the strains tested had the same biological properties compared with Standard genus and species.They were medium-tempeture strains.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University(Natural Science Edition)
国家自然科学基金项目 (39360 0 0 5)