对双优山葡萄叶柄内的 7种矿质元素在年生长季节内的变化进行了分析测定。结果表明 :N、K的含量在生长期内呈下降态势 ,N在前期下降迅速 ,K在中后期含量有所回升 ;Mg、P在整个年生长期变化波动不大 ;Ca呈上升态势 ,较其他葡萄品种明显偏高 ;Fe、Zn的含量呈交替变化。各元素都有相对稳定的时期 ,因此 ,在对双优山葡萄叶进行分析时 ,不同矿质元素不宜同一时期取样。各时期双优山葡萄叶柄内N、P、K、Ca、Mg比例大约在 10 0 0∶3 90∶11 4 4∶2 9 13∶5 38,建议双优山葡萄追肥以N、P、K为主 ,适当补施Ca。
The variations of seven kinds of mineral elements in the annual growing period of Shuangyou Vitis amurensis Rupr. were surveyed, measured and analyzed.Results showed that during prophase, the contents of N and K took on a steady decline and the content of N decreased rapidly, and that the content of K had a little increase during mid-anaphase and then decreased again; the contents of Mg and P fluctuated very little; the content of Ca was in an increasing state and obviously higher than that of other grapes; the contents of Fe and Zn changed alternately. Every element had its own relatively stable period. Therefore, to analyze the leaves of Shuangyou, it is preferable to sample different mineral elements separately in different periods. In each appropriate period, there was a proportion of 10.00∶3 90∶11 44∶2 9 13∶5 38 in the contents of N,P,K,Ca and Mg. Our studies suggest that fertilizers applied to Shuangyou should mainly contain N,P and K, and at the same time some Ca and Mg should be supplemented properly.
Journal of Jilin Agricultural University
吉林省科技厅资助项目 (2 0 0 0 0 5 5 6-2 )