
生态因素和乔木层结构对金佛山方竹林质量的影响 被引量:9

A study on the affection of ecological factors and first trees structure on main properties of Chimonobambusa utilis community
摘要 (1)乔木层的高度、平均胸径与胸径断面积对金佛山方竹林的平均胸径影响大 ;乔木层树种均匀度指数和物种数对金佛山方竹林平均胸径的正相关性和影响率最大。海拔梯度的正相关性高、因子贡献率小。这与方竹林相位处林内亚优势层 ,以及长期笋用林经营策略“保护乔木层、经营竹林层、控制灌木层”的结果相一致。(2 )年出笋成竹量同海拔梯度 (X1)、竹林平均胸径 (X2 )和竹林株数 (X3 )的曲线 (y=K/(1- esp( a+ bt) )关系为 :笋竹生长模型和出笋模型的系数 A、 B主要受林分质量影响 ;出笋模型受综合生态环境因素的影响大于笋竹生长模式。出笋量 :y=K / (1- exp( ( 12 .615-0 .0 0 3 58x1-1.2 0 44x2 -0 .0 0 0 3 7x3 ) + ( -0 .8610 6+ 0 .0 0 0 3 1x1+ 0 .0 63 3 9x2 + 0 .0 0 0 0 1x3 ) t) )。笋竹生长 :y=K / (1- exp( ( 6.152 85-0 .0 0 12 1x1+ 0 .773 55x2 -0 .0 0 0 11x3 ) + ( -0 .0 3 12 3 -0 .0 0 0 0 6x1-0 .0 12 5x2 ) t) )。(3)金佛山方生适生区的林中空地或林缘移植母竹造林 ,以 3~ 4月、 10~ 11月的造林成活率高 ;截杆的比不截杆的高 ;一年生母竹的成活率高 ;随海拔高度的升高 ,造林成活率逐步升高。成活率变动在 37.6 7%~ 84 .6 7% ,均值为 6 4%左右。最后 ,综述了海拔梯度、乔木层和灌木? The influence of high and DBH of first tree layer on DBH of the bamboo stands is very marked. The contributive ratio of elevation factor to DBH of the bamboo forest is small but the correlativity of them is remarkable. It is the results that Ch. utilis stands is located in the sub-superiority layer in the community and long period shoot-used managing strategy is as 'protecting first layer trees?managing the bamboo forest?controlling shrub layer'? (2)The shooting and growing of the bamboo forest are main productive force index of the stands. The relation of altitude(X 1)?DBH(X 2)and numbers(X 3) of the bamboo forest on Logitic curve are that the coefficient A and B of shooting modeling and growing modeling is notable affected by quality of the bamboo stands and the altitude (comprehensive ecological factor) is more valuable in shooting modeling than in growing modeling. Bamboo shooting model: y=K/(1-exp ((12 615-0 00358X1-1 2044X2-0 00037X3)+( 0 86106+0 00031X1+0 06339X2+0 00001X3)t ) ? Bamboo growing model: y=K/(1-exp ((6 15285-0 00121X1+0 77355X2-0 00011X3)+( 0 03123-0 00006X1-0 0125X2)t )? (3)The results of mother bamboo afforestation experiment in suitable area of Ch. utilis are that the survival ratio in 3~4 month or 10~11 month is higher and the ratio of one year mother bamboo or cutting bamboo is better. the survival ratio changes higher with the altitude. The ratio is from 37 67%to 84 67%and the average is 64%. At last, it is comprehensivly analyzed that the influence of altitude and trees and shrub structure on quality stands of Ch. utilis. The ecological problems of extensive planting of Ch. utilis. is also discussed.
出处 《贵州林业科技》 2001年第4期9-18,共10页 Guizhou Forestry Science and Technology
关键词 生态因素 乔灌木层结构 金佛山方竹 出笋成竹 母竹移植造林 ecological factors trees and shrub structure shooting and growing mother bamboo planting Chimonobambusa utilis.
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