利用细胞学方法、种子储藏蛋白电泳技术和抗病接种鉴定对四川小麦地方品种与非洲黑麦 (S .africanum)人工合成双二倍体进行了研究 ,结果表明 :①根尖细胞的染色体计数发现 ,来自非洲黑麦的随体在双二倍体中仅得到部分表达 ;Giemsa C带分析能准确鉴定双二倍体中的非洲黑麦染色体 ,发现非洲黑麦与栽培黑麦的染色体C带有较大的区别 ;②种子醇溶蛋白电泳发现除非洲黑麦的聚集黑麦碱蛋白在双二倍体中不表达外 ,其余来自普通小麦和非洲黑麦的相应蛋白带能够在双二倍体中正常表达 ;③双二倍体及其亲本的苗期抗白粉病性和成株期抗条锈性分析表明 ,非洲黑麦对这两种病害的优良抗性在双二倍体中并不表达 ,抗性受到普通小麦背景的抑制。另外本文对小麦
An amphiploid between Triticum aestivum native to Sichuan, China, and Secale africanum was evaluated by cytological observation, seed storage protein electrophoresis analysis and diseases resistance surveys. Feulgen staining of somatic metaphases indicates that the nucleolus from S.africanum is partially expressed in the amphiploid. The S.africanum chromosomes can be identified in amphiploid background by Giemsa C banding. APAGE shows that most gliadin of both parents is observed in the endosperm of the amphiploid with codominant expression, except the aggregation secalin of S.africanum. By inoculating the stripe rust and powdery mildew isolates, it is found that diseases resistance from S.africanum are not totally expressed in the amphiploid. In addition, the wheat alien intergenomic interaction and the utilization of the amphiploid to triticale and wheat breeding are discussed in the present paper.
Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University
SupportedbyNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina (No .3970 0 0 77)
China .