利用SDS PAGE方法对我国 5 2份新育成的优质品种 (系 )的高分子谷蛋白亚基进行了分析。按照Payne的谷蛋白亚基评分标准进行了品质评分。结果表明 ,这些品种 (系 )的品质评分为 7 2 8,高分子谷蛋白变异较为丰富 ,Glu A1位有两个等位变异“N”和“1”主要为 1亚基 ,占 (73 1% ) ;Glu B1有 7+8(46 3% )、7+9(36 5 % )、2 0(5 8% )、17+18(3 8% )、13+16 (3 8% )、14 +15 (3 8% ) 6个等位变异类型 ,但主要以 7+8和 7+9为主 ;Glu D1有 5 +10 (36 6 % )、2 +12 (5 1 9% )、4 +12 (11 5 % ) 3个等位变异类型 ,以 2 +12和 5 +10为主。其结果基本反映了我国目前培育的小麦品种的谷蛋白亚基组成情况。研究还证明优质亚基 5 +10、2 亚基在我国小麦品种中的比例偏低 ,因此在育种中应加强优质的谷蛋白亲本材料的引进和利用 。
The high molecular weight subunits of Wheat Glutenin in 52 Wheat Varieties (line) were fractionated by SDS PAGE. The quality scores of genotypes range from 4~10. The mean score in these varieties (line) is 7 28. The frequencies of HMW GS alleles of the 52 Varieties (line) are: Two types were detected on Glu A1 loci, which are nll(c26 9%), 1(a73 1%). Six types were detected on Glu B1 loci, which are 7+8(b46 3%), 7+9(c36 5%), 20(5 8%), 17+18(i3 8%), 13+16(3 8%), 14+15(h3 8%). 7+8 and 7+9 were two major types. Three types were detected on Glu D1 loci, which are 2+12(a51 9%), 5+10(d36 6%), 4+12(c11 5%). 2+12 and 5+10 are two major types. The result basically reflects allelic changes on Glu 1 in Chinese Wheat varieties (lines) in nearly years. It proves in the study the frequency HMW GS 2 * and 5+10 is lower in the above Wheat varieties (line). Therefore, it is important that the good quality HMW GS is introduced and applied. The wide application of this good quality gene in plant breeding in Sichuan is also discussed.
Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University