对硬粒小麦 -簇毛麦双二倍体纯系的簇毛麦染色体C -显带研究表明 ,纯系中每一条簇毛麦染色体的带型及分布具有相当的稳定性 ,为簇毛麦染色体导入小麦后进行鉴定提供了可靠的保证。双二倍体纯系中的簇毛麦与自然群体中簇毛麦染色体的带型比较发现 ,尽管带型有一定的可比性 ,但仍然存在一定的差异。自然群体的簇毛麦染色体带型多态性远大于纯系 ,特别是 3V和 7V染色体 ,发生了较大变化。因此该结果表明 ,把簇毛麦种质导入小麦后 ,为了对导入的簇毛麦染色体或片段进行准确的鉴定 。
The karyotype of Dasypyrum villosum chromosome on Giemsa C banding in Triticum durum D.villosum amphiploid was studied. Results indicate that the Dasypyrum villosum chromosomes have relative stable C bands, which makes it currently identify the Dasypyrum villosum chromosomes in wheat background. However, when compared the C banding patterns of D.villosum chromosomes in natural population with that in amphidploid, it is found that C banding polymorphisms of D.villosum chromosomes in natural population are more than that in amphiploid pure line, especially for 3V and 7V chromosomes. Therefore, it has better adopt T.durum D.villosum amphiploid pure line as donor for transferring desirable genes from D.villosum species in order to precisely identify the D.villosum chromosomes in wheat background.
Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University