目的 比较 3种国产牙膏在减少菌斑堆积 ,降低龈炎水平方面的临床效果。方法 94名健康战士分为 3组 ,用双盲法评价 3个月后临床效果。采用纳入和排除的评价标准进行基线检查 ,试验对象每日使用分配的牙膏和软毛牙刷早晚刷牙 1次 ,3个月再次检查。结果 中华草本抗菌组 3个月检查龈炎指数均数与菌斑指数均数下降显著 ,与中华中草药牙膏组及中华单氟防蛀牙膏组比有显著统计学差异。中华中草药牙膏组与中华单氟防蛀牙膏组无显著统计学差异。结论 含三氯羟苯醚的中华草本抗菌牙膏在控制菌斑、龈炎方面 ,强于普通配方牙膏 ,而含有中药野菊花。
Objective To compare the effect of three commercially available dentifrices in the control of plaque and gingivitis. Methods The study was a double blind, parallel, controlled clinical trial with a total of ninety four healthy volunteers who were divided into three groups, each group acquired one dentifrice. After the baseline examination, subjects received an oral prophylaxis and were instructed to brush their teeth twice daily for one minute with their assigned dentifrice, and a standard toothbrush. At the end of 12weeks,the subjects were reexamined. Results It indicated that there were statistically significant differences between the triclosan dentifrice group and the herbal based dentifrice group for plaque scores and gingival scores in favor of the former. Significant differences were also observed between the triclosan dentifrice and the conventional fluoride dentifrice. Yet no significant differences between the herbal-based dentifrice group and the conventional fluoride dentifrice group. Conclusion The triclosan dentifrice is effective in the control of plaque and gingivitis than conventional fluoride dentifrice. The herbal-based dentifrice however is no better than the conventional fluoride dentifrice.
Journal of Harbin Medical University