目的 探讨氧自由基的氧化损害与高血压形成、加重之间的关系。并通过药物干预降低高血压的危害性。方法 通过测定高血压患者外周血中 SOD、GSH- PX、H2 O2 、L PO,并用血管紧张素 受体拮抗剂伊贝沙坦治疗 1~ 2周后 ,观察治疗前后的变化。结果 发现高血压患者血中 SOD、GHS- PX活性明显降低 ,LPO、H2 O2 则高于正常人。经治疗后 SOD、GHS- PX的升高和 L PO、H2 O2 的降低较治疗前差异均有显著性。结论 说明高血压患者存在严重的氧化反应病理亢进及抗氧化能力锐减现象。新一类血管紧张素 受体拮抗剂伊贝沙坦在对抗氧自由基对血管反应性的影响方面是有作用的 ,其机制可能是通过激活可溶性鸟核苷酸环化酶提高细胞内 c GMP水平 ,在靶器官保护方面的作用下使血管内皮细胞松驰因子 ( EDRF)分泌量增多 ,抑制血管平滑肌收缩 ,起着保护性舒张作用。
Objective To investigate the relationship between hypertension and the oxidization damage of plasmic oxygen free radical and the efficacy of irbesartan on patient with hypertension.Methods SOL?GSH PX?H 2O 2? LPO in peripheral blood were measured before and after taking irbesartan 1 and 2 weeks. Results The activity of SOL and GHS PX in patients with hypertension were significantly decreased, whereas the activity of LPO and H 2O 2 were higher than that in control group. After taking irbesartan, the activity of SOL and GHS PX increased, but LPO and H 2O 2 decreased, they were negative correlated. Conclusion Irbesartan can decrease the concentration of oxygen free radical, LPO, H2O2 which participate in the pathophysiology of hypertension.
Chinese Journal of Misdiagnostics